Rights Policy

I. Introduction

Artaist attaches great importance to confidentiality, intellectual property rights including copyrights and personal data; takes care to be transparent about them.

In this section we provide some information about copyrights, personal rights and data subject rights.

You can find below details on how you can protect your own copyrighted works as the creators and avoid infringing the copyrights of third persons; as well as how Artaist addresses claims of infringement on copyright or personal rights. Lastly, we provide information on how data subjects can file their requests as per relevant data protection legislation.

II. Infringements on Copyright and Personal Rights

Creators should only upload materials they produce or are authorized to use. In other words, creators should not upload materials that they did not prepare or use a material that is copyrighted without a necessary authorization. We do not allow any Material that infringes copyright or personal rights. The use of copyrighted Material belonging to others without proper authorization, Material that violates personal rights of others or Material which infringes privacy of others will lead to a violation of Artaist’s policies.

If you believe in good faith that materials transmitted or created through Artaist App infringe your copyright, your personal right or privacy; you may send Artaist a notice requesting that we remove the Material or block access to it by contacting our email address (hello@artaistapp.com). Please note that we shall not have any responsibility on confirming the information provided by you within the emails or shall not have any liability on the missing, non-accurate or wrong information provided with such. We will consider such information is true.

We would like to note that not all uses of copyrighted Material constitute an infringement. In many countries, exceptions to copyright infringement allow the use of these works under certain circumstances, without authorization of the copyright owner. After you send your email, we will consider such situations depending on your country of residence and show the best effort to protect your rights.

What happens when Artaist is the hosting provider, in other words is not the creator of the Material?

In the situations where Artaist is not the content provider of Material, we will make the best effort to reach the content provider of such Material and send a notice to the content provider to remove the Material. Since Artaist's business, concerns mostly internet and online platforms, Artaist endeavors to respond the copyright claimant and to remove the Material in dispute when notified of the alleged unlawful Material published in Artaist platforms. However, in these situations where Artaist is not the creator of the Material, in other words it is the hosting provider, it shall not be subject to any other claims such as compensation other than the removal of the illegal Material.

What happens when Artaist is the content provider, in other words is the creator of the Material?

In the situations where Artaist is the content provider of the Material, we will make the best effort to remove the Material only if such Material infringes the copyright or personal right of yours.


If you believe in good faith that someone has wrongly filed a notice against you, you may send Artaist a counter-notice. Counter-notices should be sent to us via email at hello@artaistapp.com

Artaist has the right to suspend or terminate the use of the App by anyone engaged in suspected repeated infringement of such rights of others mentioned above.